
Yorgum provides a wide range of culturally secure community-based healing services that utilise a trauma informed approach to positively impact social and emotional wellbeing.

Healing Services

Indigenous Healing Service

Metropolitan Region Only

Yorgum provides trauma-informed and culturally appropriate community-based healing, counselling, therapy and support to Aboriginal children, young people and adults in the Perth metropolitan region to recover from harmful impacts of child sexual abuse and/or family domestic violence.

Intensive Family Support

Goldfields & Great Southern Regions Only

Yorgum provides in-home practical support to parents and families who are referred by the Department of Communities to enhance the safety of their children so they can remain safe at home.

We also support families who are working through a reunification process.

Indigenous Family Safety

Metropolitan Region Only

Yorgum provides an integrated service to Aboriginal families, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged families, to improve child wellbeing and development, safety and family functioning, and to help build stronger, more resilient families and communities.

Building Solid Families 

Metropolitan Region Only

Yorgum provides social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) services including culturally secure information, support and advice to Aboriginal communities particularly those affected by trauma, grief and loss, mental health challenges and at risk of self-harm.


Metropolitan, Goldfields, Northam, & Great Southern Regions Only

Yorgum provides trauma-informed and culturally appropriate community-based support for Aboriginal people who wish to engage with the National Redress Scheme.

Territories Stolen Generations Redress

Yorgum provides trauma-informed and culturally appropriate community-based support for Stolen Generations survivors who were removed as children from their family or community in the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory prior to self-government, or the Jervis Bay Territory (collectively known as the territories).

Young People Counselling Service

Northam Region Only

This service is for young people (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal) aged from 6 to 24 years of age who have been exposed to or at risk of family and/or domestic violence. This service is available to all young people, including young women and men, culturally and linguistically diverse young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, LGBTIQA+ young people and young parents.

This service is culturally safe, trauma-informed and includes practical supports as well as outreach.

Waullo Dawn Healing Service


Yorgum Healing Services in partnership with Hope Community Services provides FDV victim-survivors with access to services and support in a single accessible location in the south east corridor, as well as providing off-site services for perpetrators and young people.

The service is delivered alongside specialist partner agencies including Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services, Ngala, Women’s Legal Service WA, Aboriginal Legal Services of WA, Marmun Mia-Mia, 360 Health + Community, and Ruah Community Services.

The multi-cultural, multidisciplinary team adopts a trauma informed, culturally competent approach. 

Disability counselling service


This service provides healing support and counselling to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples separated from their families as a result of past governments’ removal policies and practices, including institutionalisation and adoption or foster care.

Services We Provide

  • Organising Reunions and Healing Events
  • Counselling, Support and Advocacy
  • Family Research
  • Men’s and Women’s Support Groups
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Service Areas

    Building Solid Families 
    Indigenous Family Safety
    Indigenous Healing Service
    Intensive Family Support
    Waullo Dawn Healing Service
    Young People Counselling Service